

主演:卡罗琳·彼得斯 西蒙·舒瓦茨 艾米莉·考克斯 皮娅 



《我们不该在这里》影片介绍:Wanda's world has been turned upside down when her teenage daughter Nina suddenly turns up in a hijab. Secretly, Nina has converted to Islam; she exclusively eats halal, strictly observes the prayer times and wishes to be called Fatima. Mother of a liberal Viennese patchwork family, Wanda is appalled; she has always strongly stood against religious fanaticism. However, all attempts to make Nina see reason fail. To make matters worse, Wanda's ex-husband has just fathered a child with his latest wife, and Wanda begins to yearn for a time when her only problems were her daughter's truancy and pot smoking. When she meets Hanife, the mother of Nina's Muslim girlfriend, she finds an ally. Hanife, who immigrated to Austria as a child, is determined to save her daughter from the extremely old-fashioned image of women, which Nina is enthusiastically preaching.... 详情



  • 神凡兵:刚刚
    73岁的斯特雷德身体状况不佳,走 路都要靠撑拐杖,没有驾照却又个性执拗。
  • 木木困困:分钟前
    『叁』 求一部韩国电影,内容是这样的一个女学生是个坏学生,和他的同桌谈恋爱的。
  • 同正风:1分钟前
  • 渣三快住手:7分钟前
  • 离火加农炮:9分钟前
    当火车到来之时,一切会发生什么改变?八恶人 THateful Eig(2015)寒冷的怀俄明州山谷中,一辆马车载着赏金猎人“绞刑者”约翰·鲁斯及其价值一万美元的猎物黛西·多摩格踏雪而行。
  • 赵射手:7小时前
    11月19日,第八届澳大利亚国际华语电影节在悉尼举行颁奖仪式,沈腾获 最受欢迎男演员 。
  • 迷失在大海:9小时前
    NO9 十二宫 Doziac 大卫·芬奇的完美地描述出来一场让人惊恐的心理战,对手则是美国历史上最聪明、最难以捉摸的系列杀人犯。
  • 我想仰着头走路:4小时前
    6 介绍几部美国西部牧场或农场为背景的电影电视剧(老的新的都行)
  • 辣条骚年:1小时前
    『叁』 韩国电影 外出 什么时候 上映谁能介绍一些它的大概内容
  • 花开馥郁:1天前
    郑爱莲是这家录影带出租店的主人,事实上,故事开始的时候, 她才刚刚接手这家店不到三天。


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